Growing more profits for your operation
Agronomy Overview
At Belgrade Cooperative, we have a long list of loyal customers who trust us to maximize the performance of each and every acre on their farm. Why does this list continue to grow year after year? It’s because we offer agronomic expertise with a level of service and attention to detail that few can match.
Our highly trained agronomy team begins by using fine-tuned yield data, historical satellite imagery, in-season imagery and soil types to help you determine which crop varieties and hybrids will perform best in every area of every field. Then we help ensure that sure you plant them at the right populations with the right seed treatments and fertility levels.
But it doesn’t end there. Our agronomists also incorporate your input, the observations they make while scouting your fields and cutting edge precision ag technology to create a flexible crop management plan for your fields. One of our particular strengths is pinpointing problem areas in your fields throughout the growing season and prescribing sustainable treatments to help you overcome them. In addition to helping you achieve a positive return on these crop input investments, we also help you keep an eye on sustainability.
If you’re not working with a Belgrade Cooperative agronomist, it’s never too late to start. Contact our agronomy department today to start realizing your operation’s fullest potential.
Our Services
We provide a wide range of agronomic services at Belgrade Cooperative, including the following:
Soil Sampling
- Conventional
- Zone
- Grid testing of any size
Ag lime applications
- Flat or variable rate
Anhydrous (NH3)
- Fall custom tool bar or chisel
- Flat or variable rate applications
Dry fertilizer applications
- Spreader rentals
- Custom-applied by airflow and spinner spreaders
- Variable rate application from a blend up to six individual products
- Custom side dress (flat or variable rate)
- Bulk deliver tender
Liquid fertilizer applications
- On farm delivery or pickup
- Complete line of WinField® United plant nutrition products
- Ability to inject additional products
- Complete line of WinField® United crop protection products
- Custom applications or farmer-applied treatments of pre- and postemerge herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and liquid crop nutrients
- Relationships with aerial applicators
Field scouting
Plant tissue sampling
- NutriSolutions® 360 Tissue Analysis
Belgrade Cooperative sells and supports some of the best crop seed on the market. Whether you’re looking to plant field crops, small grains, cover crops or forages, we can help you select the best hybrids or varieties for your acres. We also sell custom and branded seed treatments, including Warden® CX and other Warden® seed treatments by WinField United.
We are proud to offer the following seed brand portfolios:
Answer Plot® Data
The Answer Plot® Program by WinField® United is your year-round resource for local agronomic, seed and crop protection expertise, strategies, and the latest information and data. When attending local Answer Plot® Knowledge Events, you’ll find customized answers that can apply to the challenges you experience in your own fields.
We’re fortunate to have two different Answer Plot® locations in our service area – one in Belgrade and the other in Murdock. Check back periodically to see when the next Belgrade Answer Plot® VIP Week will take place. To see data from the National Answer Plot® site, click on the Learn More button below.
Crop Nutrients
As your local source for dry and liquid fertilizers, we offer a full line of crop nutrient products to help your crops stay healthy and reach their fullest yield potential. To maximize the return on your crop investment, our team of knowledgeable agronomists at Belgrade Cooperative will customize the right fertility package for your fields and your bottom line.
Our crop nutrient lineup includes products like:
Anhydrous ammonia
Urea 46-0-0
Belgrade Co-op Liquid Starter (Upshift + Ascend 2 + 9% zinc)
Liquid UAN 28% (Urea Ammonium Nitrate)
Liquid 10-34-0
ATS (Ammonium Thiosulfate, 12-0-0-26S)
MAP (Monoammonium Phosphate) – fall only
AMS (Ammonium Sulfate)
ESN (Environmentally Smart Nitrogen, 44-0-0) Encapsulated Urea
DAP (Diammonium phosphate)
K-Mag® fertilizer – Melrose (potassium, magnesium and sulfur)
Ag lime connections
Complete lineup of WinField® United plant nutrition products, including MAX-IN® micronutrients
Precision A.C.R.E.
We help you win the high stakes game of agriculture by using Precision A.C.R.E. to transform field variability into yield opportunity.
Belgrade Cooperative has invested a lot of time and resources into the Precision A.C.R.E. (Advanced Cropping Results & Evaluation) program in order to provide you with a full range of field zone mapping capabilities. We offer soil sampling of any sized grid or zone, Veris soil electrical conductivity (EC) mapping and infrared satellite imagery to generate management zones based on factors like:
- Soil Type
- Grid Soil Sampling Data
- Elevation
- Multi-year Yield History
Our agronomy team leverages the Climate FieldView™ and the WinField® United R7® Tool technology platforms to store data and help farmers identify and better manage the acres that provide the best opportunity for increased profit potential. Both of these comprehensive precision farming solutions integrates soil and tissue sampling, satellite imagery mapping and harvest data to help create accurate, cost-effective variable rate seeding, fertility and irrigation prescriptions for your farm.
Executive Field Scouting
There’s only one of you to go around, so it’s important to have a partner you can trust to assist in scouting your acres. In addition to utilizing the technology tools discussed above, Belgrade Cooperative agronomists can also walk your fields to provide timely insight on areas like:
- Plant stand analysis
- Yield estimates
- Insect, weed and disease pressure
Drone scouting can also be performed with a quadcopter. Contact Al Braegelman for information about this service.
Farming requires a lot of capital. It’s easy for bills to pile up when you don’t get paid until the end of the year. Belgrade Co-op provides competitive solutions for your farming needs offering three specialized financial plans:
To serve our customers better, we have two locations in Stearns County: